Manthan Academy beats Balaji Academy by 65 runs in BCP Tournament
BCP Tournament
Fine all round display by man of the match Anurag Bhati[ 51 runs and 4/18], Mourya [ 50 runs and 4/28 ] , Shivam Dhyani 61 not out helped MANTHAN CRICKET ACADEMY beat BALAJI CRICKET ACADEMY by 65 runs and enter in SEMI FINAL of BCP CRICKET Tournament.
Brief Scores:
MANTHAN ACADEMY: 181 all out in 34 overs. Shivam Dhyani 61 NO Anurag 51 Morya 50 HARRY 3/22 TANUJ 3/28
BALAJI CRICKET ACADEMY: 106 all out in 32 overs. KARTIK 57 Anurag Bhati 4/18 Mourya 4/28
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