5 Reasons to Eat Sugar | By Fitness Coach Yuvraj Salvi

In my last article I wrote about how fat is good for you. Similarly, in this article we will look at the
benefits of sugar (carbohydrates). If you haven’t read my last article I would recommend you to do so.
There are many misconceptions about sugar that are spread through or available on the internet.
Especially a myth that sugar makes you fat (there are many other reasons and sugar can’t be blamed

But there are some reasons why sugar can be a bit manipulative you with you. Firstly, after cocaine & caffeine the most additive substance is sugar. Secondly, sugar is everywhere these days therefore, you don’t need to find foods that contain sugar like in case of protein rich foods for which you actually have to look out for whenever you eat out or go to buy groceries .

These are my 5 picks for you:-

1) Gives you energy:-







For a living being sugar is the primary source of energy. It is important to consume sugar to perform day to day activity in a efficient way. Without enough sugar weakness & dizziness throughout the day may be felt. Therefore, 6 to 8 grams of sugar (includes fruits, starch & breads per kg of bodyweight is recommended. Around 65% of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrate throughout the day in small frequent quantities.

2) Helps in muscle building:-

As read earlier being the primary source of energy for the body sugar also helps other nutrients such as protein & fats to do their own functions. Low carbohydrates are known to burn fat & protein rapidly for energy. This is the reason why elite professionals don’t recommend such diets just because they are a temporary fix and not an overall solution to fat loss. Sugar is also stored in muscle in the form of glycogen which is then used for all kinds of physical activity throughout the day. It also helps to make your muscles look fuller.

3) Helps in burning Fat:-





It is said that “fat is burned in the flames of carbs”. The body starts using fat as a source of energy when an aerobic activity is performed for a prolonged duration (20 to 40 minutes low to moderate intensity steady state cardio). Fat loss done this way may take 2-3 months but it has more long lasting effects compared to something like low carbohydrate/keto diet.

4) Your organs love sugar:-

Brain requires sugar to function normally. The brain has a lot of work to do throughout the day even when a person is sleeping the brain is still working if not more than at the same speed as it works when we are awake. In sports especially the brain plays an important role while making decisions in just a short span of time. Athletes who have a well programmed brain through training are more likely to perform well in a match. Other organs such as liver need sugar for digesting food that we eat.

5) Good for the Skin:-

The glycolic acid present in sugar is very helpful in maintaining the health & look of your skin. It
helps in elimination of blemishes and restoring the balance of skin’s oils.

Other benefits of sugar are:-
*) Calorie content- Sugar has a high calorie content that will give your body the energy that you
lack. However, all the energy is short lived and it can only give you short burst of increased
*) Diabetes- Scientists have proven that diabetes is a genetic condition that is created from the
moment we are born
*) Less processed- Many people use high fructose corn syrup as means of sweetening their food,
but that product is highly processed and can cause problems to their digestion. Sugar consists
only from natural ingredients that can be processed easily by our metabolism.

I hope this article was helpful & guide you in the right way. If you have any further questions or
topic recommendations you can write me on my email address which is available in my profile
on www.cricketgraph.com . Have a good day


-Yuvraj Salvi

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